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Nadarius Clark Smart Growth Champion.png
Karen Jenkins smart growth.png
Jeremy Rodden smart growth 90th.png
Blaizen Bloom.png
    Blaizen Bloom, was chosen as our 
  preferred candidate, after a review of
     issue statements, pertinent to this                                   elected office.  

   Smart Growth Champions 2023 

Save the Dismal Ltd., sent out a voluntary campaign pledge to every State Level office on the November 2023,ballot in the Cities of Chesapeake and Suffolk.
The questions asked, are shown below:

1. I pledge to introduce or co-sponsor, as well as vote for legislation that would forbid the issuances of new residential zoning permits, if a school zone within that area seeking the residential rezoning is already at or above 115% rated capacity.


 2. I pledge to introduce or co-sponsor, as well as vote for legislation that would freeze property tax rates and valuations on Agricultural zoned land for a period of 4 years. This legislation should have a renewal option built in and be scheduled to debate and be voted on at the end of 4 consecutive, regular sessions.

3. I pledge to introduce, co-sponsor and/or vote for legislation that would create a buffer zone by providing for no new municipal, industrial zoning in a distance of 1 mile, from the boundaries of an existing National Wildlife Refuge, a Virginia Wildlife Management Area or a Virginia State Park.

All 3 candidates supported the first pledge. 

Jeremy Rodden supported the second pledge and the other 2 candidates indicated 
that they favored an "other" position that could ,through compromise be met.

Pledge number three was responded to in the affirmative by Jeremy Rodden and Nadarius Clark. Karen Jenkins indicated a response of "other."

We are happy that these Candidates recognize that these issues need to be recognized and acted on. We wish that more Candidates had signed on to our non-partisan pledge. We can only assume that it is unlikely for them to side with the overwhelming majority of area citizens who want smart growth.

We will urge our members and supporters to work with these candidates through volunteering, donating and willful sharing of these candidates positions on smart growth.

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